Guangdong Shunde Grandwin Packaging Technology Co., Ltd. Annual Conference: Celebrating Achievements and Setting New Goals


Guangdong Shunde Grandwin Packaging Technology Co., Ltd.,is located in the renowned manufacturing center and gastronomic capital of the world - Shunde District,Foshan City, Guangdong Province of China. Grandwin is the key industry leader in innovative R&D to pioneer the development and product of new technology-based environmental-friendly surface protection products.Masking Paper,Protective Film,Application Tape.

On a chilly winter evening, the employees of Guangdong Shunde Grandwin Packaging Technology Co., Ltd. gathered together to celebrate another successful year at their annual company gathering. The event was filled with laughter, joy, and a sense of camaraderie as everyone reflected on the achievements and challenges faced throughout the year.

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The annual gathering also provided an opportunity for employees to relax and enjoy each other's company. creating a festive ambiance. Delicious food and drinks were served.

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We are thrilled to welcome the children of our employees from Guangdong Shunde Grandwin Packaging Technology Co., Ltd. to our annual gathering. Today, we gather not only to celebrate our company's achievements but also to recognize the importance of family in our employees' lives.
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The annual gathering of Guangdong Shunde Grandwin Packaging Technology Co., Ltd. was a resounding success. It served as a reminder of the company's accomplishments, recognized the efforts of exceptional employees, and fostered a spirit of unity among the workforce. With renewed enthusiasm, the employees looked forward to another year of growth and success.

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